Private Health Insurance

What is private health insurance?

In Germany, private health insurance is called Private Krankenversicherung (PKV) and is offered by different companies than public health insurance. Only around 10% of the German population is covere…

Updated by Ayse

Am I eligible for free incoming travel insurance when registering for private health insurance with Coracle?

Yes! As a health insurance sign-on bonus, be it private or public, we offer you free incoming travel insurance.

Updated by Ayse

What does private insurance with Cannywings cover?

To learn more about Cannywings coverage please click HERE.

Updated by Ayse

What is the difference between public and private health insurance in Germany?

There are many differences between public and private health insurance in Germany. Some of them are; Private health insurance offers coverage above the statutory regulations. Private health insurance…

Het Parekh
Updated by Het Parekh

Who is eligible for Coracle’s Canny Wings private health insurance?

Only language students and Studienkolleg who apply for a blocked bank account with Coracle are eligible to register for private insurance with Cannywings

Updated by Ayse

How can I activate my Cannywings insurance?

You can activate your Cannywings insurance directly through the online portal.

Updated by Maeen

Can I activate only my insurance without activating my blocked account?

No, you have to activate both the blocked account and the private insurance together.

Updated by Maeen

Does Cannywings meet all of the requirements of the German embassy?

Yes, Cannywings private insurance fulfills all of the requirements of the German embassy so you can sign up worry-free.

Updated by Maeen

I only want private insurance and not a blocked account. What can I do?

Unfortunately, it is only possible to register for private health insurance through Coracle when also opening a blocked account. The private health insurance services provided by Coracle are exclusiv…

Updated by Maeen

Do I have to pay in advance for all of my doctor’s visits and treatments?

Yes, as with any private health insurance, you will have to pay for all visits and treatments in advance and you will be reimbursed by your provider.

Updated by Maeen

Is there a PRIME package with private insurance?

Yes! We offer a PRIME PRE package for students who are eligible for private insurance. The package includes your blocked account, your private health insurance, and free incoming travel insurance! To…

Het Parekh
Updated by Het Parekh

Will I receive an insurance card for my private insurance?

No, as with any private insurance provider, you will not receive a physical insurance card, however, you will receive an insurance certificate which can be used as proof of your insurance and taken t…

Updated by Maeen

How can I cancel my private insurance?

You can cancel your private insurance by writing to us at

Updated by Maeen

What are the necessary documents needed to submit a claim?

The documents needed to submit a claim are the bill and the medical prescription.

Updated by Maeen
